We Are Experts In

Brand Strategy

Everything we do is rooted in strategy. Understanding “the why” is fundamental to developing a powerful and effective brand campaign. It begins with the research where we look for key insights that will allow us to separate our clients from their competition. These become the building blocks by which we build a successful brand strategy. Our teams are well versed in research, consumer insights, persona building, and brand guideline development.

Content Creation

From iPhone to broadcast, we can capture a wide range of dynamic content in a single shoot. Our deep production experience allows us to activate teams for small scale productions all the way to large scale shoots featuring celebrity talent. The wealth of content we capture in a single shoot is outstanding. Every platform, aspect ratio, and marketing purpose is carefully thought of for each and every shoot ensuring our clients get a wealth of assets for every marketing channel. Our roster of top commercial directors allows us to assemble the perfect team for any production.

Integrated Brand Campaigns

Anyone can shoot content. What is much more difficult though is to develop and execute fully integrated brand campaigns that move the needle for the business. The brand’s message and strategy must be carefully executed across a wide range of marketing platforms leveraging a wealth of dynamic marketing assets all working together in harmony. We are experts in performance content and we have the results to prove it. Our content simply performs better within the marketing engines because our thoughtful and meticulous approach, creative thinking, and deep commitment to strategic insights.

Production & Development

We create dynamic web experiences and have extensive experience in eCommerce, direct to consumer platforms, app development, and targeted landing pages. With a foundational understanding of UI/UX design, we bring creativity and technology together to create destinations that engage and convert audiences.

Emerging Technologies

Digital Collectibles, AI assistants and chatbots, LLMs trained on your data, generative AI imagery and audio, utility-based NFTs, new blockchain technologies, web3 marketing - no one really knows what the future holds, but when you need to be at the cutting edge of what’s possible you need people around you with up-to-the-minute knowledge and the skills to rapidly deploy your vision across every new frontier. At Durable Connect we know what’s happening and what’s next - let us be your guide to an ever changing technological landscape.