Driving performance for a top project management platform
Driving More Demos!
While we love creating new content, one of the most effective ways to show value to a new client is to take content they have already created and drive even greater value from it. How do you do that? By optimizing content so that it is the most effective it can be across all marketing channels. Not only is it great to be good stewards of existing content, increased revenue driven by higher performance can help fund future original content productions.
Static VS Animated Ads
We took existing static ads and turned them into animated assets with the goal of increasing performance. When the metrics report came back, the client was thrilled to announce that the new animated assets performed 10 times better than their existing assets.
The Results Were Clear
Performance matters. We took existing assets and up-leveled them by bringing them to life using 2D animation. The results were clear, our animated assets drove up to ten times the amount of users to sign up for demos over the static ads. This was a huge win for our us and for the Demand Generation team at Smartsheet whose main objective is to get more requests for demos of their platform. This started with an idea to better convey the platforms key features and benefits and ended up being the best performing assets they had run to date.